Jaron Maene

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Hey there, I'm Jaron, a PhD candidate at the DTAI research group, supervised by Luc De Raedt. I do research in the intersection of probabilistic reasoning and deep learning (neurosymbolic AI).


December 24 New paper accepted at AAAI25: "The Gradient of Algebraic Model Counting".
October 24 Our recent work on speeding up arithmetic circuit evaluation on the GPU is on Arxiv.
June 24 "Extracting Finite State Machines from Transformers" was accepted at the Workshop on Mechanistic Interpretability at ICML2024 [paper].
May 24 "On the Hardness of Probabilistic Neurosymbolic Learning" was accepted at ICML24 [paper][video][code].
February 24 Attended the AI winter school at Paderborn University.
December 23 I presented my first paper at NeurIPS23: "Soft-Unification in Deep Probabilistic Programming" [paper][video][code].
January 23 Attended the DeepLearn 2023 Winter school.
December 20 I received a prize from IBM at the NLC2CMD competition at NeurIPS20, for my work on program synthesis with LLMs during a research internship at Bell Labs.


September 24 Presented two posters at the first NeSy conference.
July 24 I gave an invited seminar at the TU Wien Institute of Logic and Computation.
May 24 "Soft-Unification in Deep Probabilistic Logic", talk at the Generative NeSy Workshop.
"Neurosymbolic Learning, a Probabilistic Journey", DTAI seminar [slides].
March 24 "AI and your Research", Invited talk (non-technical) at the LC&Y institute on the use of AI in research [video].
November 23 Presented a poster at the Flanders AI research day 2023.

Master Students

23/24 Rik Adriaensen. "Extracting Finite State Machines from Transformers"


I have reviewed for JMLR and ICLR.

The preceding merely defines a way of thinking. But the point is to live.
- Albert Camus, Le Mythe de Sisyphe

Last updated: December, 2024.