Home Written January 16, 2020
The Fibonacci series is so well-known, that introducing it seems almost redundant. But for good measure, it’s the series based on the recurrence relation:
With initial elements
.1 Implementing the Fibonacci function
seems very simple. It’s usually the second thing I try out when learning
new language, right after "Hello world!"
. But this is a
deeper problem than it appears to be on the surface. In the rest of this
post, I’ll showcase different algorithms for calculating Fibonacci
numbers, in search of the algorithm with optimal complexity.
I encourage you to reflect on your own on what this (asymptotically) fastest algorithm could be, before reading the rest of this article. You may be surprised to find that a quick google (at time of writing) might not help you! Wikipedia does not contain the result, and almost all of the fora/blogs to pop up on the first google page have erroneous/lacking answers.
Let’s start our quest with the most basic algorithm. In Python, we can immediatly implement the recurrence as:
def fib1(n):
if n==0 or n==1:
return n
return fib1(n-1) + fib1(n-2)
This solution is very elegant, but not very efficient. How inefficient you say? Well, recursion often makes it hard to see the exact time complexity. What you can see, is the recurrence relation:
Notice how this is almost the same recurrence relation as the Fibonacci series itself! With bit of work, you can confirm this intuition by showing that . As will be discussed later, Fibonacci is roughly exponential (to be exact, it’s of ), confirming that this is a pretty horrible implementation speed-wise.
A more sensible approach would be to use an imperative loop instead of recursion.
def fib2(n):
= 0
acc1 = 1
acc2 for i in range(n):
= acc2, acc1+acc2
acc1, acc2 return acc1
Another way of seeing this is that we are applying dynamic programming: the last 2 results are memorized.
You can also get the same effect by staying functional and using extra parameters instead of extra variables.
def fib3(n):
def fib_aux(n, acc1, acc2):
if n==0:
return acc1
return fib_aux(n-1,acc2,acc1+acc2)
return fib_aux(n, 0, 1)
It should be clear that both fib2
and fib3
are of linear time complexity, a great improvement on fib1
In practice fib3
will be slower than fib2
. As
Python does not have tail-recursion, fib3
creates an extra
stack frame each loop. In other words, the memory usage of
will be linear, while fib2
has constant
memory usage. Note that other (functional) languages do optimize
tail-call recursion. In these languages fib2
should behave practically the same.
While the implementation above probably suffices for most practical purposes, the question remains if we can do better.
It has long been known that there is a direct formula for the Fibonacci sequence:
Where is the golden ratio. This is known as Binet’s formula 2. How to derive this isn’t super relevant here, but it’s discussed briefly in the appendix if you’re interested.
This should be easy to implement in Python:
def sqrt(n):
return n**.5
= (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2
def fib4(n):
return (phi**n - (1-phi)**n) / sqrt(5)
Alas, we forgot an important detail. Computers work in finite
precision. For large
the rounding errors can become very big. This means fib4
only usable to get an approximation of the result, which is not what
we’re interested in. There are ways to fix this (see appendix), but their performance is usually
not great either. Seems like we’ll need to try out something else…
Let’s back up and review how the fib3
works. At each
call, the function has the parameters (n,
All the auxiliary function does is turn (n,
to (n,
We can reframe this to the following matrix notation:
This is a sensible thing to do for 2 reasons. First of all, by framing the problem in a linear algebra background, we may be able to use prior background knowledge we have in this field. Secondly, this removes the annoying part where the next state relies on the previous 2 states. Here, it is possible to calculate the next term, just using the last vector.
Because of this last fact, it is easy to obtain a closed formula:
After filling in the initial conditions, you can show that:
So now our problem is reduced to quickly computing .
Doing this the naive way reduces to the same algorithm of
. But you can speed up exponentiation by taking
advantage of the fact that
instead of using the naive
Note that this is an application of the divide and conquer strategy. What follows is a simple Python implementation of this idea:
# we represent the matrix as a 4-tuple:
= (1, 1, 1, 0)
# multiplication of matrices
def mult_matrix(A,B):
= A
(a,b,c,d) = B
(e,f,g,h) = a*e + b*g
u = a*f + b*h
w = c*e + d*g
x = c*f + d*h
y return (u,w,x,y)
def fib5(n):
def fib5b(n):
# Returns X^n
if n==0:
return (1,0,0,1)
elif n%2==1:
return mult_matrix(X,fib5b(n-1))
= fib5b(n//2)
A return mult_matrix(A,A)
return fib5b(n)[1]
We can further shave off some computations by extracting exact formulas from the matrix algorithm. Start by using the halving trick:
Now we have exact formulas for the even and odd cases!
We can condense these ideas in the following (fairly elegant) algorithm:
def fib6(n):
if n < 2:
return n
= 1, 1
a, b # [3:] because the first 2 digits are "0b" + to skip the first iteration
for bit in bin(n)[3:]:
= a*(2*b - a) , a*a + b*b
a, b # in the odd case add a single iteration
if bit == '1':
= b, a+b
a, b return a
The time complexity of the above function is linear in the number of
digits, so
A significant improvement on fib2
The above algorithm is similar to what is used in actual
high-performance code, such as the legendary GMP. Although they
do apply a little further optimization. For example, the above version
uses 3 multiplications in each call, but it is possible to use only 2.
(Note that the 2*b
is not counted as a multiplication, as
it’s done with bit shifting in practice).
Warning, lots of math ahead. You can skip to the next section.
It’s already known that:
The second formula is straightforward, but the first one is a bit more awkward. It would be easier if it was also expressed in terms of and . Rearranging the above formula:
is already here, we can get by doing:
Now the remaining problem is getting rid of the term. The trick to doing this is realizing that:
Implying that . This is known as Cassini’s identity.
Using this, we arrive at:
Clearly evaluating these relations needs only two squares, an improvement on the previous 3 multiplications.
So far the theory. Let’s plot some graphs to see if it actually worked.
Starting off with the first three implementations, remember that
was the naive implementation with exponential time
complexity, while fib2
and fib3
had linear
As to be expected, fib1
’s runtime explodes, while the
other 2 remain virtually constant. Now let’s see if the added complexity
of fib5
and fib6
are worth it:
It was, fib2
is way slower. Note that fib3
is not included here. Because of the maximum recursion depth of Python,
it doesn’t work on input larger than 2000 (although you could change
this barrier). Lastly, let’s review fib5
on larger data:
Wait, didn’t I say that fib5/6
These do not look like logarithms at all, they appear to be superlinear!
What’s going on?
The flaw in our previous analysis is the implicit assumption that addition and multiplication are . This is the case for 32-bit integers, as these operations are implemented in hardware. But unlike Java or C, which use i32 integers, python has arbitrary-size integers. This is obviously necessary to avoid overflows ( is enough to overflow in i32), but also has a cost: addition and multiplication no longer have constant time usage.
Addition of big integers is straightforward. It’s not unlike the grade school method, you have an array of i32’s and add them from right to left, taking the carries into account. As such the complexity is linear in the amount of digits, so . Multiplication fares worse, the naive algorithm is quadratic in the number of digits: .
Look at the last multiplication needed in fib6
This will have a time complexity of:
This is far greater than the constant time assumed! By applying the master’s theorem, the complexity of the entire
algorithm becomes
instead of the assumed
Note that the complexity of fib2
(which was assumed
linear) is also of
when taking into account the real complexity of addition. Does this mean
the algorithms are asymptotically equivalent? Not really.
It was long assumed that is the best possible algorithm for multiplication (here n is input size in bits). Famously, the young Karatsuba didn’t believe his professor (another famous Russian computer scientist: Kolmogorov) who proclaimed this in a lecture. The result is the Karatsuba algorithm, which has complexity , a considerable improvement. The algorithm is based on a divide and conquer approach, much like the Strassen algorithm for matrix multiplication. Further research has resulted in several algorithms which decreased the complexity further still. (But the ever-increasing constant factors have limited practical usability).
Some may find it surprising to hear, that multiplying 2 numbers is still an open research question. Just last year, a new algorithm was proposed3, that obtained the elusive limit of . It has been conjectured that this is the best possible complexity, but no proof has been found yet.
Python is smart enough not to use naive multiplication for large
numbers. It uses the Karatsuba algorithm. So fib6
has time
(which is finally the correct answer).
The optimal complexity is still unknown, but seems likely. This is implied by the surprising fact that the complexity of Fibonacci is equal to that of multiplication. This also means that there is no more asymptotic improvement possible on the actual recurrence relations.
I wondered if the recurrence relations are also optimal in practice (i.e. in the number of multiplications). This seems likely but I have found no proof. I’ll update this if I find one.
Some good further sources on this problem:
We’ll derive the formula using difference equations (the discrete
equivalent of differential equations), but there are many other
approaches. The Fibonacci equation is linear (meaning every term is of
the form
or constant), and homogeneous (no constant term). This makes it very
easy to solve. A thorough explanation would lead us too far, but
basically one solves this by converting to the characteristic
This is obtained by substituting
Now, we find the roots:
One might recognize this as the golden ratio:
Using this we can find the exact solution: To find the constants and , we only need to fill in the initial conditions.
This brings us to the solution:
Another way of deriving the formula is using the matrix representation. When a matrix is symmetric (like in our case), you can compute the eigendecomposition and find the explicit formula from there. This is explored more in detail in this blog post by Oran Looney.
On a side note, this connection holds in general, linear recurrence/difference relations are just other representations of matrices. As such, the roots of the characteristic polynomial will be eigenvalues of the matrix.
The first thing you could try is using arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic (e.g. using MPFR). This is an easy solution to the problem, but sadly also a pretty slow one.
A much more clever method is working in exact arithmetic. So you can represent a number as a tuple (a,b). This works as multiplying will again give you a number of this form, because . In mathematical jargon, we say that is closed under addition and multiplication (which is all we need to calculate ). For an implementation of this idea (where I stole the idea), see here.
Note that, when you work out the above solution, the algorithm will be similar to the matrix solution. Indeed, you can similarly use the same divide-and-conquer exponentiation, to get the same complexity. I suppose you could also extract the identities by following this route but haven’t tried it out myself.
class GoldenRational:
def __init__(self, a, b):
self.r = a
self.g = b
def __add__(self, other):
return GoldenRational(self.r+other.r, self.g+other.g)
def __sub__(self, other):
return GoldenRational(self.r-other.r, self.g-other.g)
def __neg__(self):
return GoldenRational(-self.r, -self.g)
def __mul__(self, other):
= self.tuple()
a, b = other.tuple()
c, d return GoldenRational(a*c + b*d, d*(a+b) + b*c)
def __pow__(self, exp):
assert type(exp)==int
if exp == 0:
return GoldenRational(1,0)
if exp%2 == 1:
return self * self**(exp-1)
= self**(exp//2)
t return t*t
def __str__(self):
return "{} + {}*phi".format(*self.tuple())
def __repr__(self):
return "GoldenRational({},{})".format(self.r, self.g)
def tuple(self):
return self.r, self.g
= GoldenRational(0,1)
PHI = GoldenRational(-1, 2)
SQRT5 = GoldenRational(1,0)
def fib8(n):
return -(PHI**n).r + ((ONE-PHI)**n).r